Pop Art!

Hello my little used band aids!

Today my friends and I did a really fun pop art shoot. Thanks so much to all three of them!! Let’s go through the picture I chose to edit to make pop art-ish and then answer some questions.

40mm- f/5- 1/400 sec- ISO 6400- EXP 0

This is the original picture. I took it at an angle because I had a cool idea, which you’ll see at the end. My friend did amazing pop art makeup, they’re very talented <33 We also used a gel, which goes over the camera flash and makes the photo a color. I was very disappointed that the gels didn’t feel like jello.

Ok, so this is the red one. I like this one, the way the blue dots turned purple is kinda cool. Also the red lips are iconic and very Marilyn Monroe-esque.

Here’s the yellow one! This was when I figured out how to make the background yellow as well as the model. I decided to make the background the chosen color for every other picture. The yellow makes the model look bleach-blonde with grown out roots, which I think is interesting.

Here’s the blue one. This one is most similar to the original, because the gel we used was purple. I think it makes the subject look like an indie artist.

Last but not least, the green one. I love the color on this one, it’s a really pleasing shade of green. The model’s hair looks cool in this one.

And this is the finished product!! I love the way it almost resembles a pinwheel, and how pop artish it turned out.

Now its time for answering some questions for the assignment.

What is pop art?

Pop art is art where everyday objects are incorporated into the art piece.

Why is the artist’s art considered “pop art”?

We had to research an artist that does pop art, and the artist I chose is Marjorie Strider. Marjorie incorporated some everyday objects like peas and lollipops into her work, but her specialty was women’s bodies. Her art made a statement about the male gaze.

Describe the artist’s work

Strider used 3D elements to bring her pieces to bring her work to life. As I mentioned before, Marjorie made statements about the male gaze, and she did this by painting women in bikinis and giving them 3D breasts and butts to point out that this was what men noticed in women.

Why did you pick this artist? Why did you like their work?

When I was researching pop art artists, all I could find was old men, so I looked up “female pop art artists”, and Strider was one of the first to pop up. I think it’s really cool that she made such a big statement on the male gaze just by making simple pop art, and I think more people should learn about her.

Check out Marjorie Strider’s work here: https://awarewomenartists.com/en/artiste/marjorie-strider/

That’s all for now babes


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